Reflection before action.
Anda Lanta Resort, Koh Lanta, Thailand
Hello 2023!
I am writing the first blog of the new year from a sunny terrace in the gorgeous Anda Lanta Resort, nestled in a luscious vibrant green corner of Koh Lanta island in Thailand, looking out at the waves of the Andaman Sea gently caressing the small but perfect beach with its white-tipped lips.
When I first shared a snippet of my work with my friend Bonita Norris, a published author of a remarkable memoir The Girl Who Climbed Mount Everest I was scared she’d say it was rubbish. What I got instead was the kind of feedback I wasn’t expecting. An overall ‘this is a great read’ (phew!) and then detailed feedback on grammar and structure and so much more in-between. She commented on the use of particular words and phrases and why it was good in that context or paragraph and asked whether I might consider something different in another paragraph, giving me guidance on things I hadn’t even thought about. This is when I realised I needed a professional book editor, before even thinking about trying to approach agents which is how I found my way to The Book Edit .
The Book Edit.
On offer were many different type of editorial services and after first speaking with Emily, the Commander in Chief she recommended that I put my manuscript through a developmental edit. Where an editor advises the author on how to resolve any “big picture” issues and how to improve the form, structure, pace, plot and character of fictional and non-fictional manuscripts. Basically, to take the rough and make it into a diamond. Alongside the manuscript, I was also asked to submit a book proposal, which for memoirs tends to be part and parcel of an agents submission process. Once I had submitted both, Emily’s very helpful suggestion was that I try to forget about it for six weeks and focus on other things. Basically, to get on with life.
Reflection before action.
When Emily’s email first popped up in my inbox and I read through a 20 page document with streams of feedback using terminology that went completely over my head, all I felt was overwhelmed and deflated. But my editor has been around long enough to know that this is how I would feel and started her email telling me to give myself enough time and space to slowly read through the report and all the documents. To make notes on things that occur while I’m reading it and to don't try and work out how you're going to fix things or in what order. You want to give yourself time to really process what's been said and reflect on it before deciding what to do next.
Sunset through a notebook.
I have taken her advice. 2022 was a wonderful but challenging year and by the end I was bone tired. I’d planned to set aside time every day on this holiday from the moment my plane took off, to review and work through the feedback. But my mind has been too foggy and tired and forcing myself to do this because I had a schedule in mind, was going to be counter-productive. So I am going to take my time. I already know I have at least another 6 months of rewriting ahead of me, so what difference is a few days going to make.
Happy New Year!